Friday, March 8, 2013

Taking My Own Advice...

I promise my posts will change from cancer back to the fun stuff in life...soon. Bare with me while I get through the next few weeks of my annual cancer check up marathon. The good thing about it is that I've been re-inspired to do better. My first years during and after cancer; I was pretty diligent with not only changing what and the way I eat, but also maintaining it. I looked and felt the healthiest I'd been in a long time. Maybe ever. Then, as more years went by, I let things slide a little and sometimes a lot. I remember one of my oncologists telling me, "Tracey, one day you'll look back and all of this will only be a memory". And she was right. Thank God. But I've also let myself slack a little more than I'd like to admit and I'm going to start doing better. I was playing around on Google today and while on my crazy little treasure hunt, I came across the article I wrote for Kris Carr's blog...about easing into a raw lifestyle. It was good to re-read it and SO fun to see that 20 people have responded to it since 2012. When I first wrote it, I was so excited to check in every day (ok, maybe every 15 minutes!) and see who (if anyone) actually responded. Only a few did early on...then my excitement faded...and I stopped checking. I have to say it felt SO good to see that since then, some people have been inspired by it. And re-reading the article was such a good reminder to keep it up myself. I also had a good chat via FB with a friend last night which added fuel to my fire. I'm committed to getting 100% back in the saddle. Here's a link to the article (which now I wish I could totally re-write to make it sound 'cooler' lol):

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