Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Square peg in a round hole

Yep, that's what I'm feeling like in the big picture of life right now. I'd like to report otherwise but I'd be BS-ing ya. Don't get me wrong...loooooads go good shite like nice people, sunshine, friends, family and the land of enchantment (New Mexico) filling up my life (and the 1/2 tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream I ate for dinner). BUT...I'm on a second adolescence or can't be a mid life crisis can it? What am I talking about you wonder? I'm still struggling with the feeling that I don't know who I am, what I should be doing, etc. Its like I'm following dreams but changed along the way and now the dreams don't exactly jive. WTF? Does this mean I'm going to end up quitting my job and moving into a shack on a beach somewhere, beating on drums and making hemp necklaces? Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Anyway, not to worry, I'm OK. Just trying to unscramble the mystery and hopefully find my way back to the well beaten path I used to walk on, or something remotely familiar.

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