Sunday, September 25, 2011

"When you argue with reality, you lose-but only 100% of the time". ~Byron Katie

"Life is not a struggle; the only struggle is your resistance to allowing reality to be exactly what it is. Struggle would disappear if you would allow the comings and goings of life flow through you with the trust that everything that is happening to you is for your best interest, even if you can't see it right now. Allowing reality to be exactly as it is-this is the first step toward transformation." ~Jackson Kiddard

My problem is just this! These quotes speak to me today. I need to acknowledge my reality instead of trying to dress it up and disguise it. But my reality also feels like it changes daily, so how the heck am I supposed to recognize my real reality? And trust...yeesh. I am learning that I suck at trusting ME, MYSELF, and I. I definately need to start trusting my gut, my decisions, and the bigger player...the universe a whooole lot more. I know I need to do this, but the hard part is learning to act on it and know that everything will be OK. Hello? Waaaay easier said than done. I wish I could let the comings and goings of life "flow" through me, and trust (there's that word again) that its all meant to be. I should recognize and own my reality, make decisions on it, trust, and keep moving. Sounds so simple! NOT for me. I need to channel my inner CEO or something...maybe Donald Trump...and start taking names! I think deep down that I believe that my decisions aren't worthy or OK, as crazy or reckless or smart as they might be. I mean, people screw up every day, they make good and bad decisions, and they end up being OK. They have some big balls if you ask me. I'm totally scared to make decisions based on what others will think or how others will feel, for the sake of them and not me. This is totally locked in my brain and its a bitch to shake it off. I think I don't trust that I'm making the right decisions and I fear regret or losing something, or being judged. Deep down I know there's no 'right' or 'wrong'...but, but, but. Aaaagh.

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