Saturday, November 26, 2011

I need to slow my roll...

Holy crap! The month of December is going to be a whirlwind! I'm working three jobs. Yes, I said THREE jobs (for the next few weeks). After December it whittles down to two. Along with my part-time preschool gig and SAIT contract, I'm now taking some casual shifts back at the hospital. Working part-time these past few months has been great BUT...December equals Christmas and Christmas parties (tickets and outfits), and professional fees are due. Those fees alone are a chunk of change. And part-time doesn't cut it sista. So I suddenly feel like the single mom with 4 mouths to feed and in search of any job I can get my hands on.

It was fun being back at the hospital and I love going in 'after hours' when its quiet, the families of patients are visiting, and there's no work drama. Minus the feisty lady with dementia who told me to "get out, OUT!" and told the nurse I was driving her was an easy go and lovely to be back working with adults and acute care. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to do some casual there.

The SAIT stuff is pretty big but I managed to get the logistics figured out and I'm armed with some good questions for my Monday meeting. I'm hoping once I start getting more 'on paper' (a.k.a. the computer), I'll feel less stressed and anxious about it.

Oh! And surgery number one out of two is booked! December 12th. Its just day surgery so I'm in and out the same day which is nice, but I still hate surgery. It scares me. But I'm telling myself its just like a dentist appointment, in and out with a little sedation (ok, general anasthesia but whatever). Then 6 months of office visits and back to surgery for the big finale, a boob! Just in time for summer.

That's the update.

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