Monday, January 26, 2009

I did it

Round 5 of chemo...done. Wow, only one more to go. I was a nervous wreck this morning. I drank a Coke and ate popcorn before bed last night while I watched the SAG Awards (Screen Actors Guild)...I was desperate to catch up on Hollywood. Anyway, the caffeine and sugar kept me awake for 90% of the night!!!! I KNEW this would happen and yet, I have very little ability to resist temptation. So, with little sleep I went to the cancer clinic feeling wiped out and vulnerable. But the nurses are incredible. I was tempted to rip the IV out of my arm and bolt several times but...I managed to keep it together and get it done. I've taken my meds and now plan to settle into my usual place in the bed or on the couch for the next week...oh the joys of recovery. I was thinking today though, that I'm glad I had chemo over the winter months...I can wear a toque and not have to worry about fancier hats or wigs too often, I can hibernate and not really miss too much weather related stuff (ok, there is skiing)...and I'll be done my treatments right before spring. I can renew myself in the spring, like every other living thing! Everything will be coming alive, including me.

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