Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone (Canadians anyway) walks home from work this long weekend and more food than normal I'm sure. Who can resist turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie??? I'm actually baking 2 pies as we speak. I'm hoping to bake 2 more tomorrow but first I have to see how these ones turn out. I plan on giving all but one of them away. The tenants downstairs are uni students from Yellowknife and have someplace to go for dinner but I thought they might like a pie. And the dog daycare people, and family.

Out to dinner tonight and I think an improv show. Man do I need to laugh. But I'll die if its the type of show where they bring you on stage! Tomorrow and Monday are family Thanksgiving dinners, then its back to work. Didn't go out of town to Canmore but it might have been nice.

Tomorrow I'm planning a shorter but decent walk with Kiva along the river. Trying to eat properly this weekend and get some exercise in, even if its not the 2 hours I have been doing after work. Slowly but surely. I keep wanting to see instant results body-wise. Nothing yet after 2 solid days ha ha. Seriously, I WAS really hoping.

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