Monday, April 25, 2011

Living La Vida Loca

I'm laughing as I write this...since being here it seems like life is opening up to me. I'm loving it and also confused by it. Is this the life I'm meant to live? You'll laugh too...but seriously, the little quicky things I've always wanted to do are coming to me without really trying. I found a trail running group for slow runners through the meetup website and I'm going to try them out this Saturday. And then (here's the funny part), I found a meetup group for Central NM Ghosthunters without even looking for it! I'm addicted to the paranormal TV shows and always wish I could just TRY going on a ghost hunt for the sheer fun of it (and that fun feeling of being so scared and later laughing at yourself). I'm loving everything that is coming at me here, and of course the sunshine and warm weather (still very windy though). I've been on my bike 2 times already and plan to do short rides all week on my own. A walk for Breast Cancer on Sunday morning and life is good. I feel so happy and alive...just simple things happening but they are making such a difference in my life. Thank you universe for taking me down this road. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Life is Good is a great feeling. The pieces are starting to fall into place for you. You might be interested in a post I wrote on My life is good-
    Laura Meehan
